

An A-Z Guide to Help with Your Stay

An A-Z guide to services and amenities at 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 to help with your stay.

An 自动取款机 is located on the main floor, inside the cafeteria dining area. 

nurse serving meal to patient 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全咖啡馆 is located on the main floor of the hospital.

Your room is connected to the nursing station via an intercom system. To call for your nurse, press the NURSE call button located at your bedside. If you have any questions on how to use the call button, ask a staff member to show you.

电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全的 治疗的理由 coffee kiosk is located in 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全的 main lobby.

We conduct fire drills from time to time. If you hear an alarm, stay where you are. In an actual emergency, hospital staff will come to you and provide assistance.

花 are delivered to patient rooms by 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 volunteers. Please 不e that flowers are 不 allowed in intensive care units.

的电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 礼品精品 is located in the hospital lobby on the main floor.

电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全免费提供 口译服务 for patients who are deaf/hard-of-hearing or who do 不 speak English.

电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全的 Environmental 服务 department is dedicated to keeping your room and restroom clean and sanitized. Our housekeeping staff will clean your room daily.

If you have a spill or accident, please call ext. 5660 for immediate housekeeping assistance.

电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 provides wireless Internet access for laptop computers or other electronic devices. When connecting to the Wi-Fi, select “Guest.” Please be advised that this is  a secure connection and it’s recommended that you 不 transmit sensitive or private information when using the public Wi-Fi.

Please do 不 bring any prescription or over-the-counter medicines to the hospital. All medicines you take in the hospital need to be prescribed, filled and given to you by hospital staff. Tell your doctor about any medicines you regularly take. If you still need them, hospital staff will give them to you.

Patient Identification Band
When you are admitted to the hospital, you will receive a personal identification band, which is placed around your wrist. This ID band contains important information that helps us protect your safety. Make sure every caregiver checks your ID before giving you any medicine, treatment, or procedure. Never remove the band while you’re in the hospital.

病人 and their loved ones can call upon our group of volunteer ministers at any time. Simply ask your nurse to request these services. You can also find a meditation room on the main floor.

Personal Belongings and Valuables
Please ask your nurse to have your valuable items deposited in our hospital safe during your stay. You will receive a written receipt for all items.

To claim your valuables, present the receipt to your nurse when you’re discharged. 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 does 不 accept responsibility for items of value unless they are deposited in the safe.

如果你失去了什么, please 不ify your nurse right away, and we will make every effort to help you find it.

For everyone’s health and safety, we ask 游客 不 to use patient restrooms. Public restrooms are located throughout the hospital. Ask hospital staff to direct you to the nearest one.

At 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全, all rooms are centrally heated and air conditioned. If your room temperature is 不 comfortable, please 不ify your nurse.

电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全的 安全 Department provides protection and a safe environment for patients, 游客, 和员工. Officers are on duty 24 hours a day.  的y are also available to escort you to your car and assist with other security needs. Dial 1559 to contact security.

吸烟是严格 禁止 at all 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全 facilities and on hospital grounds, including parking lots and ramps. 如果你想抽烟的话, please ask your nurse about using nicotine replacement products (gum or patches) during your stay.

All patient rooms are equipped with a Telephone 拨打本地Telephone. To place a local call, dial 9 followed by the Telephone number.

Each patient room has a television. TVs are controlled by the bedside pillow speaker or side rail controls. Closed captioning is available for the hearing impaired. A channel listing in available in your patient guide located in your room. Please ask a staff member if you have any questions on using your TV.

Please be considerate of others by keeping the volume down and turning off your TV at bedtime.

自动售货机 for beverages are located at the outside entrance to 电子老虎机游戏平台网址大全的 emergency department.

轮椅 are available in all hospital units. If you need a wheelchair please ask your nurse and strictly follow instructions on how to use it.  To prevent falls, make sure your wheelchair is locked when you get in or out of it. 不要踩在脚踏板上.